Wednesday, August 31, 2011


My power is back on!  My power is back on!  My power is back on! 

It’s a good thing because otherwise I think Will might have lost his mind.  He tried to go to bed at 8:00pm today.

It was actually pretty sad.  He came home from school and played on his iPad until it died then tried the TV and computer.  “Car, please.”  He asked.

“Where do you want to go?”  I asked.


“… uh, Will, we are home.  Do you want to go to Pete’s house?”


He wanted to go to Pete’s because he knew that Pete had power and Blue’s Clues on demand.

So we went.  

I told Marcy I got her guest room.  I figured that was alright because I already had filled her fridge and freezer with the contents of mine.


Eileen said...

Yay for power! I'm so glad it is back on!

Sorry that was sad for Will not to have his favorite things.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely hilarious, yet sad. Sorry I missed it today, sweetheart.

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