Sunday, January 25, 2009

Brianne's Winter Concert

Thursday night was Bri’s winter concert but my husband was flying back from California so I couldn’t leave the children home with him. I asked Bri if it would be ok if I just dropped her off and picked her up. She said yes but it wasn’t true, because she came up to me later and said that both Lizzy and Jake wanted to see her concert and this was the last time we would hear these songs. Marcy had offered to watch Will earlier in the day but I figured “in for a dime, in for a dollar.”

I grabbed a book and Will’s tunes with the hope they would entertain him. I truly didn’t see any irony in bringing Will’s iPod for him to listen to at that point. We arrived at Bri’s middle school and headed for the balcony because I thought we might be less obtrusive up there. Jake and Lizzy wanted to sit near the middle instead of by us which was as close to the door as possible, I thought that was fine until I saw them walk down an aisle and sit in the middle of a group.

Will really enjoyed the music, sometimes loudly enjoyed the music. He figured out applause and was still trying to applaud during the start of the second song. At which point I handed him his iPod and tried to keep him quiet for the next hour. I watched Jake and Lizzy and noticed them occasionally dancing, talking to the people next to them and at one point disappearing. That was a quandary. Did I really want to drag Will around the building looking for them? Answer: No. About twenty minutes later I found them. They had just walked up a few rows and were sitting on the stairs.

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