Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Boston Globe loves me

I don’t blame it because I am pretty awesome.  It just doesn’t want to let me go.  I have a newspaper addiction (thanks to my parents and their two newspapers a day habit) I started reading a paper at 16.  I economize by only taking one newspaper (even though I really would like two because I’m also interested in local news).  But ever since Marcy talked me into serving on two special education PACs (thanks Marcy) I haven’t had time to read the paper and it’s been piling up because I have an addiction and can’t recycle the paper until I read it.  I store the unread papers on my dining room chair so I can read while snacking.  This has led to me appearing much taller than I previously appeared.  While I feel that my newfound height gives me a menacing look that occasionally comes in handy when I’m trying to um … encourage Will to eat non-preferred food items, or while I’m glaring at my children for their atrocious table manners; I feel a little tottery.

(By the way did you know that “tettery” is not actually a word?  I know because I looked it up when I was auto corrected.  Now I wonder why I thought “tettery” was a word and how often I have used it incorrectly and if anyone noticed.)

So, the newspapers piling up coupled with my husband’s suggestion of cancelling it and buying an iPad for the equivalent of what I spend yearly on my subscription led to my decision to switch to a Sunday only subscription and an electronic subscription.

The Globe stopped delivering a daily paper for a week.  Then it started again.  I’ve called several times.  It’s still coming.  I’m only paying for Sunday but they love me so much they don’t want to give me up.  My pile disappeared during the week it didn’t come but now it’s piling up again.  Because, as with any drug, if it’s in your house it’s hard not to have a taste!

Quandary:  we’re going on vacation.

Solution:  I called the Globe and put in a vacation stop and restart (yes, for the paper I’m not paying for).  They asked if I wanted to donate the paper to their high school reading program.

I said, “Yes.”

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