About Us


I am in recovery from having four kids.  I still don't know how much chocolate, reading and worthless TV it will take for me to recover, but I'm guessing quite a bit more.  I suspect that ten plus years from now grandchildren will speed up my recovery at which point my children will regret any maladaptive behavior in their youth because there is a cost for free babysitting.

My Husband

He's busy, a perfectionist, smart, kind and has aged really well.  It seriously sucks when your husband is way hotter than you are and it use to be the other way around. (No, seriously -- someone I know from the gym met him and said "That's your husband?  He's really cute!"  In a surprised but not unkind tone.)  But his work/home life balance is wacked; so, not perfect.

The Crew

We had just moved to Boston.  I had a four year-old, a two year-old and an almost one year old.  I was pushing Bri and Jake in a stroller down the street to our apartment.  A woman sitting on the stoop noticed us, smiled and remarked, "You have your hands full!"  I politely agreed.  I walked past her.  "I didn't see the baby!"  Burst from her lips.  Will was in a backpack baby carrier.  And a year and a half later we added another just to stir things up.


So far, she is the teenager a mother dreams of having.  I hope it lasts.  She's in love with Kingdom Hearts, music, reading and writing.


Jacob is sweet, hardworking, and redheaded.  He loves playing games, eating apples and hates sandwiches.


William is a blond, blue-eyed cuddle bunny.  He loves to type, listen to music, watch previews on DVDs and hates to wear pants.


Elizabeth has a very well defined sense of self.  She know what she wants, when she wants it and who is in the way of her getting it!  Luckily she is sweet.
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