Friday, July 6, 2012

My husband the plumber

I'm sure the reason my husband went to business school was because he wanted to be a plumber. So, It's worked out well for him. I conservatively estimate that he has saved us well over $700 so far this year. The reason? Oh, William + autism + a toilet + trash* = a delightful clog. My husband's new hobby is taking off toilets (aka plumbing). Impressive isn't it? I imagine he talks a lot about his hobby with his co-workers. "Oh, you like to travel?". He could ask, "I can remove a toilet in 1 minute.". I've heard that men like men with skills so I imagine everyone is impressed to hear that. * trash being anything from unwanted crumbled up paper, to sunglasses, to a rubber ball, to a McDonald's toy (Yes, that Happy Meal was totally worth it! Why do you ask?)


plumbing service said...

Y not ask your husband to consider doing it full time :) the job pays least much better than my old job

Carmella Vancil said...

Good thing your husband was there to take care of your clogged toilet. And since he wanted to be a plumber, perhaps you can convince him to turn his hobby into his bread and butter. It can be an additional source of income for your family.

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